SNCF strike: Olivier Véran uncomfortable in full live by discovering a video from 2007 in which he was … on strike

We may have thought that the subject of Christmas was going to be the Covid-19, the defeat of the Blues in the final of the World Cup or the war in Ukraine. Nay! Since the beginning of the week, the SNCF has made it possible to find a new subject of discussion for the meal which is being prepared. Namely: the strike of its controllers. Indeed, in order for their action to have an impact, the latter have decided to block trains and deprive certain travelers of joining their families in this period, however so awaited. If it is easy to understand the anger of the latter, it is also possible to understand the choice of the controllers.

By carrying out an action in such a period, it is much more likely to bear fruit and be heard. However, members of the government are trying to put an end to the chaos that has reigned in the station for several days so that traffic can resume as normal. Starting with the government spokesperson and former Minister of Health: Olivier Véran. The latter recently asked the strikers to “renounce their movement” and “to hear the legitimate request of the French”.

Olivier Véran asks the strikers to stop the strike, but was the leader of his in 2007

“You have a collective that calls itself anonymous that used this strike notice to go on strike at the worst time of the year. So we call first and foremost on those who are on strike to give it up”, he continued. A speech that makes some of the strikers laugh gently. Indeed, the latter were able to discover a video taken out of the attic for a few days. A video broadcast live when Olivier Véran was on the set of BFM-TV and in which he was still a medical student.

The passage dates from 2007 and we can discover the spokesman of the government… going on strike. “We are coming to the last possible solution. Since all attempts to try to negotiate directly with the ministry have proven to be totally ineffective”, he said at the time, facing the camera. During the movement, the former health minister was even the “leader” movement as the voice-over explains…

See also: Zapping: Olivier Véran sharply reframes deputies who do not wear masks


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