“Snarling race”, “Stubborn as a mule”… Discovery of a document describing the academic inspectors in animal form

An investigation is open and several complaints have been filed. The author of this document, which France Bleu Normandie has obtained, has not yet been identified.

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A document, which has been circulating for more than a year in the services of the academic management of the National Education of Calvados, humiliates and associates the inspectors with a photo of a dog, reveals Tuesday, October 4 France Bleu Normandie.

Each of the twelve inspectors concerned are the subject of derogatory comments and are associated with a photo of a dog or female dog. This is done anonymously, but sometimes their name is quoted. We can read : “Be careful, it’s a bit surly breed! It willingly bites your calf (unable to go higher)” or “Trickster, liar, bad as scabies (…) we had him castrated for fear that he would reproduce.”

The rector of the Normandy Academy, Christine Gavini-Chevet, was informed of the existence of this document, sent it to the courts and seized the public prosecutor of Caen. A first police investigation took place, learned France Bleu Normandie from the public prosecutor of Caen. At the time, it did not allow the author to be identified and it was filed without further action. In view of the new elements, the investigation has been resumed. Several complaints have been filed. An internal investigation was carried out on site by the General Inspectorate of National Education.

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