Snail operation between Romain and Avilley in the Doubs against wind farm projects

The horns rang and the signs were waved between Romain and Avilley in the Doubs, this Saturday afternoon. A hundred people in fifty cars participated in a snail operation in eleven villages who are affected by a wind project or who already have wind turbines installed. All denounced the low yield and the degradation of the landscapes because of this electricity production equipment.

They are going to destroy our forest for wind turbines and I, who am an animal photographer, am very sensitive to this cause. – Françoise, resident of Tournans in the Doubs

The demonstrators are all unanimous, these installations are ugly. Jean, 83, lives in Rognon and he doesn’t budge. “I don’t want to spend the last years of my life seeing these unsightly and useless contraptions”, he lets go dryly. Others obviously complain about the noise pollution.


The mayors did not consult their population according to the demonstrators

Among the points of tension: the lack of consultation. In front of the town hall of Avilley, Jean Nicolas Siebert, resident of Huanne-Montmartin, near Puessant where a park of 4 to 6 wind turbines is under study, affirmed, standing in a tractor bucket that the “Protesters had come to reclaim the democracy that was stolen from them since no one asked their opinion.”


We have too many wind turbines near our house. At first, I found it beautiful and good, but finally, it’s noisy. There is permanent discomfort. – Françoise, resident of Tournans in the Doubs

These statements by Jean Nicolas Siebert, president of the “incorruptible” association are denied by the mayor of Avilley, Philippe Januel. “We submitted the project to the municipal councillors. I have never interviewed a promoter alone. In addition, in October 2021, we published an article on this project in the municipal gazette,” he declares disillusioned.

We have been working on this project for two years. There were only about twenty inhabitants out of 180 who came to inquire or complain about the project at the town hall. – Philippe Januel

Despite this, the opponents would have preferred a sort of vote and above all, they reproach the publication of the article after the signing of the contract with the promoter. The mayor of the municipality defends the wind farm thanks to the financial gains it will bring to the municipality, approximately 40,000 euros per wind turbine. Six are planned in the town.

In Nancray, about 80 people also demonstrated against the wind project which concerns their municipality.

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