Innovation: a support platform for French-speaking employees in European countries and North Africa and Quebec employers looking for candidates abroad.
Immijob is a project of Natacha Mignon, associate lawyer of the firm specializing in immigration Immétis, supervised by Lorine Benoit, responsible, communication and marketing, of Immétis. “I am an immigrant, who arrived in Quebec from France two years ago,” says Lorine Benoit. When I explain to my European friends that I have crossed the Atlantic, I am told: “My God, how did you manage to find a company ready to welcome you?” And employers ask us: “You don’t have a base of employees ready to come?” ”
With nearly 200,000 positions to be filled in Quebec, Lorine Benoit is not talking about a labor shortage, but a labor crisis. “I am thinking of the lack of catering staff who are reviewing work shifts and opening hours,” says Lorine Benoit. That is problematic. It prevents the growth of an economy. ”
While attending the Immigration Summit two weeks ago, a piece of data particularly caught his attention: “In the next 10 years, there will be 1.4 million positions to be filled in Quebec,” she reports. . Among the levers considered, there is immigration which could account for 22% of the solution. We must therefore support, reassure and train employers to take action. ”

The Immijob platform
Immijob is a support platform, launched a year ago by Immétis, and a meeting point for French-speaking employees from European countries and North Africa and employers looking for candidates abroad ready to immigrate. in Canada. “Some candidates do not know how to go about it and several employers have great support needs,” notes Lorine Benoit. We see that companies do not know the process well and that they have a lack of understanding of foreign CVs. ”
Visit the Immijob website
For example, a bac in France is equivalent to a CEGEP diploma here. “They do not know all the companies in the world either, when they see them on a CV,” continues Lorine Benoit. They don’t know where to start in obtaining work permits. Some have been recruiting for years abroad, while SMEs are now launching. We therefore want to make it easier for them. We adapt CVs to Canadian standards, we remove personal information. Costs and time frames are determined. It allows the employer to anticipate. However, when we anticipate, things go well. ”
The platform is intended for workers of all trades. “With the pandemic, we told ourselves that immigration was going to be complicated,” says Lorine Benoit. Everywhere there was time for reflection. There is an even stronger attraction to Canada than before. Workers confined with their families in small apartments have had time to reflect. There is a desire for change and the shortage makes candidates say they have a chance. ”
Around 90% of employers who use the Immijob platform and have found a candidate then entrust their immigration procedures to Immétis. It costs $ 100 to $ 300 to post a job for 30 days.
We do not intervene in the recruitment process. But we take the immigration process in hand from A to Z. There is a lack of knowledge of the immigration process and that is scary. We also give a lot of training.
Lorine Benoit, responsible for the Immijob platform
As for international candidates, the platform is promoted through social media and partners across the Atlantic. “There are federal initiatives, Talent Montreal, in particular. There are platforms, and they are adapted to different targets. We are not too many to find solutions! ”
To come up
Since the start of the year, more than 3,500 people have used the platform. Approximately 2,000 resumes were sent, mainly for jobs in information technology (IT), manufacturing, accounting and teaching. “And in one year, around 30 employers trusted us,” says Lorine Benoit.
She says she is very busy. The pace could well increase as it intends to promote Immijob in several job fairs in 2022. “It’s a great problem! she says. We plan to grow the team. It’s going really well. We are currently receiving 25 to 30 CVs per day and it is increasing daily. So there is a real attraction for Quebec. In the medium term, we hope that even more employers will take the plunge. ”