SME Innovation | Four tips for managing innovation

Like all things, innovation can be learned. How can the leader of a small business support innovation in his organization? The Press asked the question to Frédéric Laurin, professor of economics at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR) and researcher at the Institute for Research on SMEs.

Posted at 3:00 p.m.

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cultivate culture

Nurturing a culture of change and innovation is useful not only to encourage innovation directly, but also to retain staff, which is ultimately a key to innovation.

“Especially among young people, we are looking for a feeling of getting things done, we want challenges, we are looking for something new. Since it is so easy to change jobs in a context of labor shortage, employers must therefore take double care of their culture of innovation,” explains Frédéric Laurin.

He adds that a strong culture of innovation can even attract qualified candidates: “It supports our employer brand. »

Ask for help

Frédéric Laurin notes that SME managers often make one of two mistakes: either they see innovation management as a bigger challenge than it actually is, or they are overconfident and try to do everything themselves.

In reality, SMEs can innovate, but they often win by seeking support and discussing with other entrepreneurs.

Frédéric Laurin, professor of economics at UQTR and researcher at the Institute for Research on SMEs

This can be done through an activity organized by a chamber of commerce or an employers’ or sectoral association.

“It makes it possible, for example, to identify the right technologies, or even to determine which subcontractors are the best. »

Obtain financing

Innovation involves investing. But funding is not the obstacle sometimes imagined. You often just have to make the effort to ask.

“It’s surprising, but the funds will come by themselves,” says Frédéric Laurin.

I have never seen an SME unable to innovate because it lacked funding.

Frédéric Laurin, professor of economics at UQTR and researcher at the Institute for Research on SMEs

Finding 5 or 10 million for a megaproject will be more difficult, admits the professor. But he explains that an SME that wants to automate or move to Industry 4.0 will not have difficulty finding financing, as a general rule.

Because there are many organizations that can finance innovation projects: banks, Investissement Québec, local development funds and municipalities, among others.

Avoid a technocentric vision

Innovating means installing new machines, but not only that.

“We tend to have a technocentric vision of innovation,” remarks Frédéric Laurin. But it can pay off to have a more holistic vision: innovating also means thinking up new products, new processes or new ways of doing marketing.

“Technology is just a tool. Too many companies install high-cost technologies, such as ERPs [Enterprise Resource Planning], because they think that’s what innovation is. Except that afterwards, they don’t even know how to make the most of it, ”says the professor.

Before launching an innovation project, it is therefore important to always remember the company’s objectives and vision.

Ultimately, innovation must serve the business plan.

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