Smartphones: finally a universal charger


Video length:
1 minute

France 2

Apple is following European legislation: the universal charger is finally adopted.

The Apple iPhone has only changed chargers twice, but this time, the charger is only compatible with the brand’s devices. The end of a standoff between the American giant and the European Union. Already 15 years ago, we dreamed of a universal charger. From December 2024, smartphones, tablets, consoles and digital cameras will all have to adopt the same connectivity: the objective is to limit electronic waste estimated at 11,000 tonnes per year.

Towards a universal charger for laptops

If Apple has slowed down the implementation of regulations, it is because for the brand, an entire market is disappearing. “For Apple, this charger is also margin, since it sold this product to its customers at a higher price than for conventional chargers”, indicates Nicolas Arpagian, vice-president of Headadmind Partners. The next step: a universal charger for laptops. They will become mandatory in 2026.

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