Smart cars track potholes on the road


Video length: 2 min

Road safety: smart cars track potholes on the road
Road safety: smart cars track potholes on the road
(France 2)

The quality of the road network has deteriorated over the last ten years. France has dropped from first to 18th place in the world. To remedy this, the city of Tours (Indre-et-Loire) is using new technologies.

Due to numerous potholes, some poorly maintained roads are deteriorating and the state of the roads is worrying motorists. Between 2012 and 2019, France fell from first to 18th place in the world ranking of road conditions, according to the World Economic Forum. Faced with this deterioration, the metropolis of Tours, in Indre-et-Loire, is trying to solve this problem with a smart car packed with cameras and sensors.

By driving all the city’s roads, the driver records all the holes and potholes to identify all the road defects. The Tours metropolitan area considers that this expertise is a profitable investment, allowing it to save valuable time and identify the most significant damage to better plan the work. According to the National Road Observatory, in France, almost one in five roads is in poor condition.

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