Small trip to the Maison de la Forêt de Leuglay

Based on a Quebec concept, the Forest House by Leuglay and the Interpretation Center aim to make visitors aware of the richness, complexity and fragility of natural environments, but also of the essential place of the forest in the history, economy and life of the territory. The visit starts now!

Sylvain Boulangeot, Coordinator-Animator of the Maison de la Forêt © Radio France
Caroline PAUL
Space "Tree" within the Interpretation Center
The “Tree” space within the Interpretation Center © Radio France
Caroline PAUL
Dense fauna in the forests of Côte d'Or
Dense fauna in the forests of Côte d’Or © Radio France
Caroline PAUL

And soon, a “Truffles and Crémant” Sunday – 10th edition!

The forest, an ideal environment for the Burgundy Truffle!
The forest, an ideal environment for the Burgundy Truffle! © Radio France
Caroline PAUL

You are welcome to this traditional Burgundy Truffle and Crémant Festival organized by the Côte d’Or Truffle Association, the Châtillonnais winegrowers and the Gourmet Markets at the Maison de la Forêt. On the program for this day, demonstration of truffle control, sale of truffles, truffle plants, derived products, gourmet market, truffles to win, digging, conferences, brotherhoods. Enough to awaken the taste buds of the gourmet who lies dormant in all of us!

more info: Forest House – Interpretation center – Nature discovery and awareness activities: 1 farm lane in Leuglay – 03 80 81 86 11

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