If you are looking for a story with a classic unfolding, an intrigue, twists and other revelations, you may have to go your way.
Posted at 12:00 p.m.
Although, if there are revelations, they will be those emerging from the poetic decor of Ogawa, featuring here a disused kindergarten where strange glass boxes are nestled. The narrator, living in these miniaturized places, watches over these half-museum, half-stele boxes: commemorative objects are stored there to compose a tribute to dead children, in a world deprived of descendants. Meanwhile, a circle of musicians with unusual instruments forms on the hill.
Written like a story, but to be read like a poetic breath, small boxes seeks more to create a cocoon of evocations and to generate lyrical music, in a subtly surreal and disturbing atmosphere. For this 26and novel translated into French, the author dips her pen again in one of her favorite inkwells: the crystallization of bygone times and the collection of tangible traces of a past – they were found in particular in ring finger Where The Museum of Silence. For who ? The followers of Ogawa, and the uninitiated seduced by the reading of a simple paragraph: the tone is quickly set.

small boxes
Yôko Ogawa (translated from Japanese by Sophie Refle)
South Acts
202 pages