small artisans penalized by the slowdown in the market


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Real estate: small craftsmen penalized by the slowdown in the market

In 2023, the construction of new housing will fall by 22%. Small craftsmen are suffering from this reduction in the number of construction sites. – (Fr)

Article written by

France 2 – M.Collet, A.Mouchard, A.Martin

France Televisions

In 2023, the construction of new housing will fall by 22%. Small craftsmen are suffering from this reduction in the number of construction sites.

Building your house is sometimes more affordable to access property. In 2023, the number of new homes will be at its lowest with a drop of 22%. Between the difficulties of accessing credit and inflation, the French are doing less work. Artisans are the first to suffer. “We run everywhere to try to be able to make the numbers we did before”, indicates David Morel, craftsman “Building firefighters”. It lost 25% of turnover in 2023.

Clients are unable to finance their work

Owners do more work themselves and tenants stay in their homes longer. More than half of a mason’s quotes have not been validated, because his clients are no longer able to finance their construction projects. The surge in credit rates real estate and the rise in the price of materials worries this entrepreneur. The energy renovation bonus, however, brings a glimmer of hope, since it could revive the activity of craftsmen.

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