small arrangements with the employment contracts of a Leclerc store

“Additional investigation” was informed of strange recruitment methods in a Leclerc hypermarket. A journalist from the team applied. Here is an extract, filmed on a hidden camera, from a document to be seen on September 14, 2023.

The journalist from “Complément d’investigation” is greeted by the cash register manager. She explains that she worked for a year and was looking for a three-month fixed-term contract while waiting to start her studies. But apparently, it doesn’t exist here: “We only have permanent contracts, no fixed-term contracts”, he replied.

To his great surprise, he was offered a permanent contract, but this offer is accompanied by an astonishing demand : she must “make a letter of resignation stipulating that following the resumption of [ses] studies, [elle est] entitled to resign on September 16”. While the interview takes place in June, he is SO asked to write in advance a resignation letter dated August 16… And the manager will even dictate it to him.

A completely illegal process

According to this Leclerc manager, “it does not change anything” for the signatory. Except that… the future cashier will quickly understand that the store would prepare to save money on his back. And it is the director himself who explains it to him, when signing his contract.

“Is it normal to sign a resignation letter at the same time as the contract?” asks the new recruit. “No”, the director calmly replies, before giving the following details: “A fixed-term contract is taxed very heavily for the employer. And all this for what? To avoid doing fixed-term contracts, precisely, and rather hire on permanent contracts. (…) For the employee, it changes a lot things. In a fixed-term contract, you receive an additional 10% precariousness allowance, and you receive an additional 10% for paid leave.” Benefits of which the new cashier would therefore be deprived by signing a permanent contract.

A shortfall of 140 euros gross per month for the employee

According to the calculations of “Additional investigation”, this sleight of hand would represent a shortfall of around 140 euros gross per month – the equivalent of 7% of the new cashier’s salary. Not to mention that by accepting this permanent contract with a letter of resignation, in her case, she would lose her unemployment rights for at least four months. This type of arrangement with employment contracts would be common in the establishment: the employee that our journalist meets when leaving the office confirms that she is subject to the same regime.

Extract from “Broken prices, pressure shots: revelations about the Leclerc system”, a document to be seen in “Additional investigation” on September 14, 2023.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), section “Magazines“.

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