SM Caen – Stéphane Moulin: “We have no right to reflect the image of a team that does not do the maximum”

the SM Caen
is undeniably in the hard with a victory in the last six days and a current series of two consecutive defeats where the men of Stéphane Moulin have not scored a single goal.

But it is the poor performance of his players in the first period the week against QRM, in front of their public, that the Caen coach no longer wants to see.

“I told the players this week for sure. The boys you rely on have to be at their level. And some have not been at their level for some time. I’m not talking about their best level, I’m talking about their level, insists Stéphane Moulin. Inevitably, the performance suffers but remember that after the first five days I never said we were the best. So today I’m not going to say that we are the worst. You have to keep the measure when things are going well. I said we would have less good times, like all the teams. Here we are. It’s up to us to overcome them to move forward and show that last week’s first half was an accident.”

We lack generosity It is an element with which we cannot play

This week, the Caennais coach did not hesitate to raise his voice to avoid another disappointment against Niort this Saturday evening.

“I consider that in our last two games, we are far from the best we can do. We lack generosity and it is this kind of evil that I cannot bear in a collective sport. It is an element with which cannot be played. And to add “We have no right to reflect the image of a team that does not do the maximum.”

The adversary

With two wins in ten games and the replacement of his coach Sébastien Desabre who left the club in a hurry, Niort did not have an easy start to the season.

Former Caennais coach Rui Almeida took over from him and can rely on a workforce that makes Stéphane Moulin say that the Chamois are not in their place.

“We are going to play a team which is 20th but which looks nothing like a 20th, believes the SMC coach. They do not potentially look like a 20th. They have boys with high potential like Boutobba (5 goals and 2 assists). It’s a team that has experience at this level. I still expect a difficult game. It’s up to us not to make it complicated.”

The Caen workforce

SM Caen finds its two defenders suspended (Hugo Vandermersch and Roman Thomas) and one of his wounded. Emmanuel Ntim will be in the group after being injured against Guingamp (4-1) after 32 minutes of play.

It is revenge still too early for the return of his side Ali Abdi and its surroundings Hianga’a Mbock, Iyad Mohammad and Yoann short

The group to choose from : Mandrea, Clementia – Ntim, Thomas, Teikeu, Vandermersch, Cissé, Obiang, Sy – Diani, Deminguet, Daubin, Brahimi, Lebreton – Bassette, Mendy, Essende, Kyeremeh, Jeannot.

SM Caen – QRM to follow here live


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