SM Caen – Jessy Deminguet: “I quickly moved on, my head is here”

Jessy Deminguet had not spoken since last season. After the defeat against QRM this Saturday (0-1), the SM Caen midfielder returned to the mixed zone on his aborted departure wishes last summer and his state of mind.

The Caen defeat against QRM

“Tough evening. We conceded a goal quite quickly in this match on a small error which in the end cost us dearly. They were there with a system which caused us problems in the first half. We couldn’t find the fault ” In the second half, we tried but here we had to try more even if it meant failing. We did not manage to unbalance this team even if we have two or three occasions where we must do better. It’s a complicated evening. Celan does not It hasn’t happened for a while for us to lose two games in a row. The season is still long but we will have to bounce back quickly.”

His state of form after a truncated preparation this summer

“It was even worse the first games when I didn’t feel 100% ready. There, we’re getting closer. We also worked during the break for that. I also have to find my canes from before but in any case, I’m sure I’m on the right path. I don’t have any muscle injuries and I will do everything not to have any. It will get better and better.”

He quickly moved on after his non-transfer

“That’s because I can’t afford to think about the past today. There’s no point. I’m here and I’m happy to be here. I’m going to give my all for this team and I think it happened. I think we should have no regrets. It happened as it happened. I never hid my desire to leave the club but today I am quickly moved on. My head is here. I’m going to give it my all and we’ll see in the end.

These are not easy things to manage. It was. I wondered how I was going to come back mentally. Was going to be fresh and in the end I got my answers pretty quickly. It is also thanks to the reaction of the public. I quickly switched and buried everything.”

D’Ornano’s reaction after his first game against Amiens

“It helped me a lot mentally. I expected everything but it’s sure that when there’s an audience like that behind you, you want to quickly move on and give it your all.”

Can he extend with SM Caen?

“It’s not relevant today (Smile). There is no discussion. What I want is to play football. We’ll see what happens anyway.”

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