Slimane: His daughter Esmeralda already at the piano! Adorable father-daughter duo in videos

Slimane no longer approaches life in the same way. At the end of last year, a very big change on a personal level came to shake up her daily habits: a baby. It was on Instagram last January that the Vitaa duo announced the birth of their first child, not without emotion: “I became the father of an incredible baby girl, a little angel, who was born almost two months early and who has been in the hospital for a monthhe confided. I’ve been worrying about her for a month, that she has trouble breathing sometimes, that she has trouble eating too. It’s been a month that I pray every day for her to get better and so that I can quickly introduce her to all the people who already love her, my family, my friends.

With a lot of strength and love, little Esmeralda managed to pull through! The little baby that she was has also grown well and now sits like a grown-up. What make the interpreter very proud of Come let’s love each other. Her daughter must also be lulled very often by music since at her young age (7 months), Esmeralda already has the rhythm in her skin and on her fingertips.

In his Instagram story (see slideshow), Slimane revealed a cute sequence between him and Esmeralda. The latter, in a diaper, sits on Slimane’s lap and faces the white piano he owns. Gradually, the little girl puts her hands on the keys and manages to produce a sound under the amazed eyes of her darling daddy. “She starts young“, we even hear him say before encouraging him to press the keys again. A tender moment of love that Slimane multiplies to the delight of his fans.

All means are good to share a little love with his subscribers concerning his daughter, to whom Slimane is like the apple of his eye. This is also the reason why he can give her a bath 10 minutes before going on stage rather than doing vocalizations with his accomplice Vitaa or immortalizing himself in a selfie with her facing the sea, very first time for his baby. Suffice to say that before Esmeralda, Slimane had nothing…

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