Slimane dad: his temperamental daughter? Twisting sequence live on Instagram

Slimane became a father for the first time last December. A disturbing happiness. Born two months early, the little girl remained in the hospital, under the increased surveillance of doctors. The 32-year-old singer had only one obsession: that she survive. As a true warrior, she survived. Slimane couldn’t be happier. So when, like any baby, she throws a little tantrum at her father, winning him The Voice can’t blame him for long. In his Instagram story this Friday, March 18, Slimane shared a bit of his morning with his subscribers. Thinking of enjoying a breakfast in peace during his daughter’s nap, he was about to chat a little with his community: “How are you all doing? For once…“A cry was then heard in the distance, forcing the dad to stop abruptly before a second cry sounded.

The situation obviously made Slimane laugh, gaga about his little girl: “I was going to say ‘For once she let me have breakfast‘” he explained before finally laughing at the situation. The interpreter of Come let’s love each other didn’t wait very long to console his girlfriend, whom he appreciates being led around by the nose. Baby has come a long way, Slimane wants to take full advantage.

The Vitaa sidekick announced the happy news to his fans last January. In a video posted on Instagram, Slimane shared his joy at having welcomed a little girl but also his pain: “I admit that I have two mixed feelings: I’m both very happy to announce what I’m going to announce and at the same time I’m very sad because I didn’t think I’d announce it to you like that. I became the father of an incredible baby girl, a little angel, who was born almost two months early and who has been in the hospital for a month“. Withdrawn from the networks since birth – which everyone ignored -, Slimane was at the bedside of his baby: “I’ve been worrying about her for a month, that she has trouble breathing sometimes, that she has trouble eating too. I’ve been praying every day for a month for her to get better. I’m a dad, I’m happy, she’s fine, she’s better“. Perfect news about the little woman in his life.

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