Slimane and Ayem Nour: Kiss and hug in bed, an amazing couple in the Sentimental clip

Reserved on the subject of his private life, Slimane has never revealed the identity of the mother of his daughter Esmeralda, born in January 2022. In the past, he had appeared only once with a woman named Camille on the red carpet Marrakesh of laughter in 2016. Unfortunately, their romance did not last.

Modest, the interpreter of the title Before you had also mentioned a disappointment in love from the past in the month of February 2022. “Last year at the same time I was crying like a baby because my ex was doing Valentine’s Day with someone else… A year later I live my best life like what… Well that at least allowed me to make good songs for the album. Thank you NEXT” he confided on Instagram.

On tour with Vitaa until December 17, Slimane has been sharing since August every Friday the new titles of his next album. Chronicles of a Cupidwhich is scheduled for release on September 2, 2022. Before the music video Sentimentalthe performer of the title versus revealed his titles Fears and The Roses of the Bois de Boulogne.

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