As of February 1, 46% of the water tables are above seasonal norms and 15% at comparable levels, specifies the Geological and Mining Research Bureau.
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The situation of water tables in mainland France “remains generally satisfactory” thanks to the effective rains of November-December, “but deteriorates slightly” between December and January, announced Tuesday, February 13, the Geological and Mining Research Bureau (BRGM), which highlights the situation “very worrying” of the Corbières massif and the Roussillon plain, in the Pyrénées-Orientales.
As of February 1, 46% of water tables are above seasonal norms and 15% at comparable levels, specifies the BRGM, the public body responsible for their monitoring. This situation is “more favorable” that in 2023 on the same date, “where 60% of the levels were below normal”.
“The levels remain very worrying”
“Only the aquifers of Languedoc, Roussillon and Corsica will maintain lower levels in January 2024 than in January 2023”notes the BRGM in its bulletin. “The significant recharge that occurred between the end of October and December had a notable effect on the water tables” which were for the most part very dry at the end of summer, recalls the organization in its monthly bulletin. However “in January, the intensity of groundwater recharge” decreased compared to December. “The situation remains generally satisfactory but is deteriorating slightly with 46% of levels above monthly normals”notes the Bureau.
Of the “low to very low levels” are however noted on “the inertial layers of Sundgau”in the south of Alsace, “and the Saône corridor” as well as “on those of the south-southeast and Corsica”. Especially, “the levels remain very worrying on the limestone layers of the Corbières massif and the Roussillon plain”in the Pyrénées-Orientales, warns the BRGM.