Sleeping man sprayed with water | Video sparks outrage

“Isn’t it hot?” » “No, but I also thought about it. » This is what can be heard a few seconds before a merchant splashes water on a sleeping man at the front of his restaurant.

The video relayed Monday by Kevin Calixte, known in particular for being one of the hosts of the podcast Rapolitik, ignited the Web on Monday. It was first published last Saturday. We see a man sleeping in front of a commercial building on Saint-Laurent Boulevard, in the heart of Chinatown. The building notably houses the La Toxica restaurant and an arcade center, the MTL Gaming Center.

In the video, a woman brings a container filled with water, which she hands to another man. He sends it to the face of the dozing man, who wakes up with a start, visibly panicked. “We need to wake up, my friend. […] We can’t sleep here,” he said, laughing.

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