six years in prison for attempted robbery

The two men faced up to 20 years in prison at the Assises de l’Indre. Those two half-brothers had been on trial since Monday for trying to rob a van transport of funds in 2013, with a weapon, certainly fake, in front of a savings bank branch in Châteauroux. During this trial, the eldest admitted the facts but he tried to minimize them by declaring that he had only followed his younger brother. The latter, on the other hand, denied his participation until the end. The Advocate General requested six years in prison against the first, the release of the second. She was eventually followed by jurors. The youngest is completely acquitted, the eldest is found guilty.

The jurors took into account, for the cadet, the absence of evidence linking him directly to the crime. In addition, one of the investigators expressed his doubts on the stand. He is acquitted and leaves the court, without a word, without a look for his half-brother who had accused him during the trial. Concerning the eldest, precisely, the jurors underlined the large number of testimonies, in particular those of the two security guards. His DNA was also found on one of the doors of the van. Finally, he himself admitted the facts and reiterated his confession during the trial. At the same time, the jurors took into account his respect for his judicial control, his obligation of care and the opinion of the psychiatrist who does not see someone dangerous for society.

On the other hand, the jurors did not take into account his year of pre-trial detention, it is the only regret of his lawyer Me Delphine Durançon. His client was sentenced to 6 years in prison, five of which were prohibited from carrying a weapon. The sentence is measured, he will not appeal.

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