The city of Clermont-Ferrand is added to the list of areas already affected by these operations, which have so far given rise to 867 arrests, specifies the minister.
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The minister assures that he will continue efforts against drug trafficking. Six “XXL net square” operations are underway, announced the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, on the social network X, Wednesday March 27.
Most of the areas affected by these operations had already been announced by the minister during a trip to Roubaix the day before: the Paris region (Seine-Saint-Denis and Hauts-de-Seine), Marseille, Lyon, Lille and Dijon. Added to this list is Clermont-Ferrand.
These operations “have given rise to 867 arrests so far and the seizure of numerous weapons and significant financial resources”, adds the minister. The day before, Gérald Darmanin had given a “objective of 850 people to be questioned”.