Six Nations Tournament – ​​XV of France: Moefana on the wing for the clash against Scotland

In total, two changes: one position, one player. The XV of France will find Scotland, an opponent who is causing him concern, with a starting XV almost unchanged from the one who had dominated Ireland on Saturday, during the 3rd day of the Six Nations Tournament. The announcement was made by Fabien Galthié and his staff this Thursday at midday.

Yoram Moefana, from UBB, slides from the wing to the center, and gave way to Jonathan Danty, already a starter against Italy alongside Gaël Fickou, but withdrew against Ireland through injury. At 21, the Bordeaux-Bègles player will experience his fifth cap and his third tenure. The young UBB center has played on the wing only three times for the club, only once this season.

Winger Gabin Villière, injured in the face, is the only holder against the XV of Clover to be absent for this first trip of the Blues in the Tournament. The Toulouse Dupont-Ntamak hinge is renewed for the tenth time in the Galthié era.

25 years old on average

Two figures to remember for this starting XV: a little more than 21 selections and 25 years of average age. Under the era of Fabien Galthier, he only beat the XV du Chardon once in three games.

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