Six more deaths attributable to COVID-19 in Quebec

Quebec authorities are reporting six new deaths linked to COVID-19 in the past week.

Two of those deaths have occurred in the past 24 hours. The other four were deplored within a period of two to seven days. The number of coronavirus-related victims now stands at 18,084.

The number of hospitalizations related to COVID-19 increased again, standing at 1,335, 11 more than the previous day. Of this group, there are 483 people who were admitted directly because of COVID-19.

In intensive care, however, there is an increase of three patients, for a total of 36. Among them, 21 are treated specifically for the disease.

On the case side, the situation is relatively stable, with 498 new infections, 54 less than the day before. However, it should be considered that these figures are probably underestimated due to the restricted access to screening centres. Quebecers also reported Wednesday 49 new cases detected by rapid tests.

In terms of vaccination, 2,081 Quebecers received an injection on Wednesday.

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