six months before the election, political maneuvers are increasing


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European elections 2024: six months before the vote, political maneuvers are increasing

European elections 2024: six months before the vote, political maneuvers are increasing – (FRANCEINFO)

Raphaël Glucksmann, MEP and likely head of the socialist list for the June 2024 European elections, refuses to see this election reduced to a duel between the presidential majority and the National Rally. But the left remains fragmented.

The Attal government is an electric shock designed to win the European elections in June 2024, according to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. If the new head of government is described as the anti-Bardella asset to counter the boss of the National Rally, favorite in the polls, Raphaël Glucksmann refuses to see this election reduced to this single duel. “We are not going to let this important election be kidnapped by a match that is fabricated by communicators”declared the MEP and probable head of the Socialist list on France Inter on Sunday January 14.

The Greens refuse an alliance with the socialists

Despite this desire to propose a third way, six months before the election, the left is fragmented. Each party wishes to assert its independence. Raphaël Glucksmann thus excludes allying itself with La France insoumise and the French Communist Party. For her part, the socialist mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo pleaded for an alliance with environmentalists. But the latter rejected this proposal.

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