six-month suspended prison sentence for the CEO of the Castel Viandes slaughterhouse

We called it “the repackage affair“. The Nantes criminal court condemned, this Thursday afternoon, the company Castel Viandes, based in Châteaubriant in Loire-Atlantique, for “deception as to the nature, substantial quality, origin or quantity of a commodity” and “placing on the market of products of animal origin or foodstuffs containing them which are detrimental to health“. She is sentenced to pay a fine of 40,000 euros. The President and CEO of the slaughterhouse is fined six months suspended prison sentence and a fine of 10,000 euros.

For three years, the company sold spoiled meat

By this decision, the court records the fact that there were no victims, otherwise the sentences would have been much heavier. And the release of two employees symbolizes the fact that there was neither manipulation nor organization“, immediately reacted the lawyer for Castel Meats and its CEO, Me Benoît Chabert.

For three years, between 2010 and 2013, the company Castel Viandes, based in Châteaubriant in Loire-Atlantique, was recognized guilty of repackaging spoiled meat. A search took place in February 2013 after a former executive claimed to have witnessed the repacking of spoiled steaks. In this trial, ten years after the events, the three defense lawyers pleaded for release. Only the two executives were finally exonerated by Justice.

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