six drones shot down overnight in Crimea, local authorities say

What there is to know

They are a privileged weapon of the conflict. Six drones were shot down on the night of Wednesday to Thursday May 25 in Crimea, a peninsula annexed by Russia, said the local governor installed by Moscow, Sergei Aksionov. “During the past night, six drones were shot down or blocked (…) in different districts of Crimea”, wrote he wrote on Telegram. The incident did“did not cause any casualties or injuries”, he pointed out. Follow our live.

The army says it has repelled a new “massive” attack by Russian drones on kyiv. Russia “again attacked kyiv from the air”, wrote on Telegram the head of the civil and military administration of kyiv, Serhiï Popko, adding that the air alert on the city lasted more than three hours. The previous air attack on the city dated back four days, said the official, who counted twelve offensives on the capital.

Russia accuses Ukraine of having attacked one of its ships in the Turkish economic zone. “Ukrainian Armed Forces unsuccessfully attempted to attack the Black Sea Fleet ship Ivan Khours…in Turkey’s Exclusive Economic Zone”, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Telegram. Several incidents involving Russian warships or aircraft have occurred in the Black Sea since the start of the offensive in Ukraine.

A heavy toll among the prisoners enlisted by Wagner. Around 10,000 of the 50,000 detainees recruited from Russian prisons by the paramilitary group Wagner were killed in Ukraine, recognized the leader of the paramilitary organization, Yevgeny Prigojine. These detainees were on the front line in the very bloody battle of Bakhmout, the longest since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In addition, Evguéni Prigojine specified that a similar proportion of his professional fighters had also died in combat, without however quantifying their precise number.

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