“Six complaints” were filed, says the prefect

Around 10,000 people took part in this unauthorized gathering in Parnay, where a man died on Sunday of “cardiorespiratory arrest”.



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Participants at a rave party in Parnay (Maine-et-Loire), May 11, 2024. (FREDERIC PETRY / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

“Six complaints” were filed after the rave party in Maine-et-Loire during which a young man died on Sunday May 12, indicates on franceinfo the prefect Philippe Chopin, who recalls that this party was “illegal”. Several reports were also drawn up for non-compliance with the prefectural decree prohibiting festive gatherings during this long Ascension weekend and nighttime noise, adds the prefect of Maine-et-Loire.

An investigation is also open “to determine the causes of death” of the young man. “There will be an autopsy, which will establish whether the person was under the influence of drugs”, specifies the prefect. This young man “was seized with convulsions” around 10 a.m. this Sunday. Firefighters, who were patrolling around the site, were nearby and were able to take charge immediately. “He quickly suffered a cardiac arrest, the ambulance arrived very quickly but unfortunately he could not be resuscitated”indicates Philippe Chopin.

In total during this rave party, “more than 200 cases” were treated by the advanced medical post of the Red Cross and Civil Protection on site and “11 people were evacuated to Saumur hospital, with relative emergencies and whose condition does not cause concern”. In this domain, “the State has compensated for the deficiency of the organizers, who, to escape legal proceedings, do not make themselves known”, underlines the prefect.

This undeclared rave party has been taking place since Thursday morning in a small village near Saumur. At the height of the party on Saturday, the number of participants was estimated at around 10,000. The last revelers are leaving the premises. There are still around 1,500 there, according to the prefect.

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