six complaints of “stings” at a music festival

New complaints of stings have been filed after the Belfort international university music festival.

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Six people have filed a complaint, claiming to have been bitten on Saturday evening during a music festival in Belfort, the prosecution announced on Sunday June 5. The complainants are two young men and four young girls, aged 17 to 18, who were at the International University Music Festival (FIMU), Belfort public prosecutor Jessica Vonderscher told AFP.

“We have signs of bites, as we have seen at other festivals or other evenings”, she explained, confirming information from the regional daily L’Est Républicain. alone “Three people went through the hospital emergency room overnight from Saturday to Sunday for tests to determine if a product had been injected into them and, if so, what type of substance”continued Vonderscher, who did not yet have the results of these analyzes.

The other three people were also referred to the hospital for tests but did not go there for the moment, added the magistrate. “The interest is that they go there”, she insisted. An investigation was entrusted to the Belfort police.

An unexplained wave of stings has affected nightclubs, bars and festivals across France in recent months, with complaints lodged from Lille to Béziers (Hérault) and from Lorient (Morbihan) to Strasbourg, via Grenoble, Nancy, Lyon, Besançon, Valence.

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