situation under tension in Guadeloupe and Martinique



France 2

Article written by

A. Brogat, M. De Chalvron, V. Huon – France 2

France Televisions

In Martinique, dmany incidents take place, in protest against the health pass. In Guadeloupe, rioters are also present in the streets of Pointe-à-Pitre. Part of the population is exasperated.

In Guadeloupe, don wednesday night 24 until Thursday, November 25, barricades are still erected. The demonstrators camp in their position. “It’s not going to stop because we are in too much pain”, confides a young man. “The first cause is water and expensive life and after the vaccine“, specifies a second. 200 km away, in Martinique, the claims are similar, with the same battlefield tunes. Faced with the increasing number of dams, part of the population is said to be exasperated.

“This morning, the blockades are getting worse and worse and I find it unacceptable that they are blocking the population like that”, says Lois, a bus driver. Burned cars, looting … From clashes left 12 police officers injured during the night. The inter-union dissociates itself from this violence. “These are isolated people who have decided to seize the roadblocks and the movement to be able to do their business“, specifies Bertrand Cambussy, spokesperson for the intersyndicale CSTM.

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