Situation in Ukraine, Paris 2024, carbon footprint… The new Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, details her many projects

While the Parisian Grand Slam tournament is in full swing, the new Minister of Sports is trying to keep an eye on Roland-Garros. During an interview with RMC on Saturday May 28, the former director general of the French Tennis Federation (FFT) Amélie Oudéa-Castéra spoke about the Porte d’Auteuil event, but also her new responsibilities, the Olympic Games and Paris 2024 Paralympics, the Champions League final, and green planning measures for sport.

Situation in Ukraine: Russian players subject to “a regime of strict neutrality”

The organizers of the Wimbledon tournament (June 27-July 10) have taken the decision to exclude Russian and Belarusian players from the 2022 edition. In response, the ATP and WTA, governing the men’s and women’s circuits, have advanced that no points would be awarded to participants, thus freezing the rankings.

If the discussions continue between the different parties, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra affirmed that “Wimbledon was very isolated on the question”. “When Russian players only represent themselves, it’s complicated to exclude them from a competition. At Roland-Garros, they are subject to a regime of strict neutrality. Any pro-Putin or pro- Russia would result in an exclusion order.”

Asked about a possible position taken by a Russian player in favor of Ukraine during the tournament, the Minister of Sports did not go too far. “They could say that, it’s their freedom. There’s also an informal setting, in a locker room, etc., that allows them to express things that the context doesn’t always allow them to express publicly.”

Conversely, she felt, regarding the Champions League final between Liverpool and Real Madrid on Saturday, that the winner should have a word on the situation in Ukraine. As a reminder, the match had been relocated to Paris a few days after the invasion of Russian troops, at the end of February, when it was initially to be held in Saint Petersburg. “Given what is happening, this message of absolute solidarity with the Ukrainian people is important”she commented.

Paris 2024, “a lever to improve the place of sport in France”

Appointed Minister of Sports but also of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra explained her functions and her role as a political intermediary with the Organizing Committee. “We are fully aware that this is a major planetary event which will be one of the most important of the five-year term, and for that there must be a political and societal responsibility in the way in which these Games are going to be delivered, and in the trace they will leave. The meaning of my mission is to help and federate the teams to organize as well as possible, manage the carbon footprint and have controlled budgets. I will also be attentive so that there is a good sporting performance and a dimension of popular celebration.”

The minister is counting on the presence of Kylian Mbappé to participate in the international influence of the event. According to her, “There is no photo” : PSG must release him to compete in the competition. “Representing his country at the Olympic Games in 2024, he has always dreamed of it. It’s a big yes, in capital letters.”

France 2

On several occasions, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra insisted on the notion of the legacy of the Paris Olympics: “The ability of the Games to leverage to improve the place of sport in France is at the heart of my mission.”

Ecological transition in sport: the carbon footprint at the heart of the issues

Emmanuel Macron had reaffirmed during the presidential campaign his intention to further structure his environmental policy. A post of Secretary General for Ecological Planning was thus created within the new government.

This concern is no longer limited to the ministry in charge of these issues, it irrigates other areas, including sport. Amélie Oudéa-Castéra began by recalling “the framework“, designed around the UN climate, the Sports for Climate Change program and the charter of 15 eco-responsible commitments launched by his ministry in 2017. “It’s a voluntary approach: using renewable energies, promoting soft mobility, having an approach against food waste, optimized waste management… All these issues in our competitions are fundamental.”

“At Roland-Garros, more than 90% of the carbon footprint is linked to transport”she recalled. “We know that we need more structural measures with the organizers of circuits, competitions, to fight against air travel. There are also measures on clean fuel for air travel, and the Games are quite committed to this perspective.”

Incidents in the stands: Oudéa-Castéra advocates “absolute firmness”

Players attacked, invasions of the pitch, throwing of projectiles, procrastination by the authorities… After several years of progress in the management of supporters, French football has fallen back into its ways this season, with an interminable series of incidents having led to no less than 11 behind closed doors, 35 grandstand closures, 24 parking lot closures, and 130 travel bans.

Asked about these events, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra explained that she was in favor of a “absolute firmness”. “The stadiums must remain places of joy, of pleasure where you can take your children. This does not exclude a desire for dialogue with supporters and club management or the National Division for the Fight against Hooliganism, This message of firmness only goes hand in hand with the social message of what the clubs can do.”

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