Single language junk food

In reaction to the editorial by Louise-Maude Rioux Soucy: “The McDonaldization of Science”, May 10, 2023.

To be read by as many people as possible, our French-speaking scientific researchers often choose the great unilingual highway of English. Practical matter! But the ensuing “McDonaldization of science” can turn out to be quite heavy and indigestible! It’s a bit like a good, tasty, high-end meal having to lower itself to take the great highway of basic, elementary English junk food. Many researchers feel this constraint as a leveling down, a squaring off for all. Thought is not the same from one language to another. It is obvious that the more the subject is pointed, the more it loses feathers in the corset of the dominant language, because a language which is compressed, flattened and crushed loses its genius. Words, especially in science, as in poetry, are words. It’s a pity that gifted and talented researchers are forced to “all take the same path of thinking”. Which is certainly contrary to the progress of science.

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