Single Anny Duperey: is she still looking for love?

Actress Anny Duperey opened up about her romantic situation on the show At Jordan’s of Jordan Deluxe. At 74, the one who interpreted Catherine Beaumont for years returned to her separation with the writer, actor and filmmaker, Bernard Giraudeau, who died in 2010.

Indeed, when she is interviewed about this period of her life (a marriage that lasted 18 years and gave birth to two children, Gaël and Sara), the actress remembers her brutal separation and the disapproving gaze of those around her. “No one wanted me to separate from Bernard (…) but when it happens, people take it badly, we pretend not to hear. The three years before I met Cris Campion, everyone pretended that no, I hadn’t left Bernard. I understand because we were a pretty exemplary couple.”

In 1993, Anny Duperey remarried with Cris Campionthe actor of Pirates by Roman Polanski, almost 20 years his junior. Their union will last 10 years. On her current sentimental situation, the actress does not really think about it anymore.We don’t talk about it. An old friend had a very nice note that said: ‘it’s ok, I was well served‘. I think it’s been a while, I had two beautiful couples and then what’s going on. I think I’m good with friends, with family, with brothers. Long live friends!” she said.

In 2019, she was already talking about her attachment to celibacy and her profession. “Well, on the chapter of love, I often say: ‘the guinguette has closed its shutters and what a rest!’ I no longer want a man in my life (…) The profession is a formidable lover. As an old friend said: ‘I was well served’. It’s my state of mind” she asserted. Anny Depurey will star in the film this year Stone paths of Denis Imbert alongside Jean Dujardin and Izïa Higelin.

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