Singh still satisfied with his partnership with Trudeau

New Democrat Leader Jagmeet Singh told CTV on Sunday that he is still satisfied with his partnership with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and has no intention of terminating it at this time.

• Read also: The NDP’s desire to be reborn

Under an agreement made last March, New Democrats support minority Liberals in votes in the Commons, in exchange for the creation of programs that Jagmeet Singh is committed to.

The politician has already secured the launch of a national scheme to cover dental care for children aged 12 and under in low-income families, but now wants this to be extended to other groups.

“I believe it was an opportunity to fight for people, using our power to get results. We know that there is still a lot to do, but we are proud to have been able to help”, commented Mr. Singh during an interview granted to the program “Question Period”.

The NDP now expects the Liberals to move forward, by the end of 2023, with universal pharmacare across the country.

“We forced them to accept this and it should be filed by the end of next year. We’re confident that’s going to happen,” Singh said.

In the meantime, the New Democrat leader reiterated that he still has the option of ending his partnership with the Liberals, something he does not intend to do for the moment.

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