Singer Seu Jorge says he is a victim of racism

(Rio de Janeiro) The Brazilian singer and actor Seu Jorge denounced on Tuesday racist insults made against him during a concert in the south of Brazil, in Porto Alegre, and the local police opened an investigation.

Posted at 2:35 p.m.

In a video posted on Instagram, the 52-year-old black artist said he was the victim of “gratuitous hatred and a lot of racist slur” during a performance at a private club on Friday.

“At the end of the concert, I left the stage. Backstage, I started to hear boos and insults and realized that I couldn’t come back for the encore,” said Seu Jorge.

The singer clarified that the concert was part of “a gala dinner reserved for club members” and that he had “not seen a single black person” among the guests.

Commissioner Andrea Mattos, of the Porto Alegre civil police, confirmed to AFP that an investigation had been opened.

According to her, racial slurs and monkey screams can be heard in videos taken during the concert.

Famous for his acting performances in films like The city of God (2002) and more recently Marighella (2019), Seu Jorge, a very popular singer in Brazil, achieved some success in France with the album Believedlaunched in 2004 by the Naïve record company.

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