singer Jean-Luc Lahaye, his daughter and two other women in custody

The 68-year-old singer was arrested and taken into police custody on Wednesday, in particular for acts of rape and sexual assault.

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Arrested Wednesday, November 3, the French singer Jean-Luc Lahaye was taken into custody for “rape” and “sexual assault on a minor over 15 years old,” franceinfo learned from the Paris prosecutor’s office, confirming information from the newspaper The Parisian. He is suspected of having assaulted two teenage girls in 2013 and 2014. The investigation was entrusted to the Central Office for the Repression of Violence against Persons (OCRVP)

The two alleged victims filed a complaint a few months ago for these facts. They denounce rape and sexual assault in a context of influence, while they were fans of the singer, specifies a source close to the investigation at franceinfo. Jean-Luc Lahaye was already sentenced in 2015 to a one-year suspended sentence for bribery of minors on one of the two young girls.

The 68-year-old singer is also heard for acts of corruption of minors over 15 years old, fraudulent abuse of the state of weakness of a minor to lead him to a prejudicial act, violation of the privacy of life private and possession of child pornography images, according to the same source.

The 36-year-old daughter of Jean-Luc Lahaye was also taken into custody on suspicion of having pressured two minor victims. She is heard for “witness tampering” and “complicity in rape of a minor over 15 years”.

Two other women are in police custody for “not denouncing a crime” and “complicity in the rape of a minor over 15 years old. years “. These two women are the mothers of the two victims, suspected of having encouraged their daughters to have relations with the singer, specifies a source close to the investigation.

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