Contrary to what one might think, not all famous singers roll in gold! The proof, while the singer Dave signs his big comeback after months of convalescence following a bad fall which had plunged him into a coma for a few days, the artist is about to go back on stage… Out of passion, of course, but also for money !
“A singer who retires does not exist”, he confided in the columns of the magazine We both. Overall, there is no retirement for artists. When you do a passion job, it’s very hard to quit. Hugues Aufray, who is almost fifteen years older than me, does not do it, Line Renaud (94 years old) either! The best time is when you’re on stage. After two years without concerts, I am ready »concluded the 78-year-old man.
“No money aside”
Enthusiastic about the idea of reconnecting with his audience and the thrill of the stage, Dave also told our colleagues that the concerts were also a good livelihood for him! “To tell you the truth, most entertainers didn’t have paychecks until the 1980s. I didn’t put any money aside for retirement. So I have to keep working.”he explained, before revealing that his alimony was very far from dreaming: “I have a flight attendant friend whose retirement pension is exactly double mine! » An unexpected revelation given that Dave has been one of the most popular French singers since the 70s…
See also: Dave found “there, lying on the ground, inert. He was dead”, still in shock, his companion Patrick Loiseau recounts the terrible details of the drama
Lisa Ziane