Singer Arno, suffering from pancreatic cancer, terrorized by death: “Tomorrow does not exist”

In February 2020, singer Arno announced terrible news to his audience. In the columns of “Evening”, the artist announced that he was suffering from pancreatic cancer. “I went to my doctor and he took my blood. Shortly after, I received a phone call. I had to go to the hospital urgently. ‘diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at an early stage, “said Arno, who has not been on stage for almost two years. After having undergone a major operation to treat his cancer, Arno recorded the album “Vivre”. A project that could not be completed due to the singer’s health problems. Arno was hospitalized for many months.

This Thursday, December 2, 2021, Arno is making his comeback in the columns of the “Parisian”. The artist gave news about his state of health. And it is far from reassuring! “I’m enjoying life. I spent five months in the hospital, I have an infusion with me from time to time to feed me,” says Arno. Seriously ill, Arno admits having lost a lot of weight: “I have lost weight. I am a Chippendale now. I bought thongs on sale at Ikea”. If his audience has not seen him on stage since February 2020 (his last show was at the Trianon in Paris, Editor’s note), the singer is counting on his passion for music to get better. “Music is adrenaline and adrenaline heals me”, he confides before continuing: “I have had a cold or the flu several times at the start of a concert and to be healed at the end “. He would like to resume concerts next year. “I can’t wait to do gigs again. I’m never tired when I make music, I’m tired when I don’t do anything. I’m going to do a rock tour and a charming singer piano-bass tour,” he says. it still. One reassuring thing: Arno Hintjens of his real surname has not lost any of his sense of humor. “The flowers are too expensive, I told myself that I was going to wait to die”, concedes the singer to our colleagues.


See also: Jean-Pierre Pernaut suffering from lung cancer: “I feel that …”, Nathalie Marquay has made terrible confessions since this sad news!

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