Singer Adele wins the Brit Awards, for the first time without gender categories

The British star won Best Album, Song of the Year and Artist of the Year.

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He’s the star of the evening. Singer Adele won three awards, including the coveted “best album of the year”, at the Brit Awards ceremony held on Tuesday evening February 8 in London, for the first time, without the categories “man” and “woman”. “I understand why they changed the name of this award but I really like being a woman, a female artist, actually”confided Adele to applause.

The British star was awarded for her fourth studio album, 30and also won Song of the Year with his hit Easy On Me and Artist of the Year. The title 30 is a reference to Adele’s age when she started it three years ago, when her life was in turmoil, between her divorce and the abrupt end to her career.

The Brit Awards, British pop music trophies, have removed gender categories to distinguish artists “solely for their work and their music rather than how they choose to identify themselves or how others may perceive them”, according to the organizers. The British Sam Smith, who considers himself non-binary, had not competed in 2021 at the Brit Awards because no category corresponded to him.

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