Sindy (Popstars) victim of rape by a member of her family, cash confidences of the singer

The internet’s most liberating movement

The drama will finally arrive at his 13th birthday. “He took my little child’s hand, he placed it on his little secret and he did what he had to do… I couldn’t move. I ended up crawling out of the room“, she said, while her attacker had taken advantage of her child’s carelessness to make her consume alcohol in order to have full control of the situation. “He served me doses of horse“, she said in particular, while these attacks will have lasted until she was 15 years old.

It was finally at 17 that the singer decided to file a complaint. She will only talk about it publicly for the first time when the # appears.MeToowhich she referred to as “the internet’s most liberating movement“.”I had the impression of being in front of a diving board saying to myself ‘it’s good it’s time, my turn’. It was the moment, finally, that I had been waiting for all my life, to tell people ‘it happened, I’m not disgusting, I didn’t do anything, he’s free? (speaking of his attacker, editor’s note), there are thousands of us there, that has to change’…“, confided the artist, explaining that he felt “finally free” at the time of making these terrible confidences.

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