“Since then, nothing has gone right”: Terrible confidences of Lio, raped as a child, while her younger sister was next to her

If there is one thing that singer Lio has never stopped doing throughout her life, it is to defend, again and again, women and their integrity. Woman beaten in the 90s by singer Alexis Zad, the interpreter of banana split has often testified to this difficult period in her life and today encourages every woman to file a complaint.

It is undoubtedly for this reason that she accepted the role of a lawyer in the TV movie She saved me, broadcast this Tuesday evening on M6. In interview for Tele-Leisurethe mother of six indeed reveals that she has already been “to emergencies“because of a man she is”fell in love and who [la] beat“.”I don’t think I realized how much I was in danger when I experienced my domestic violence which went very far“, she added.

But above all, she addressed a subject which she very rarely speaks about: the rape of which she was the victim at the age of ten. “I was raped by a relative when I was 10 in the back of my parents’ car. digitally“, she recalled, still traumatized. Especially since in the car was Helena Noguerra, her youngest. “Quietly, while my parents were driving, next to my little sister who was 3 years old“.

A filthy gesture, of which she speaks very little, and which she had never yet qualified as rape, because “never anyone“didn’t call him that. But since she realized, two years ago, what act she had suffered as a child, she is determined to have it recognized. “I put that word on it. And since then nothing has worked. We manage because we are not recognized, not welcomed“.

We are mistreated even when we come to file a complaint and nothing moves“, she concludes, sad and disgusted. Lio can in any case count on the support of her sister Helena, who had already supported her during her complaint for domestic violence. “I owe him so much. This presence, this ability to pay attention, to go looking and to be there… It’s hard to recover a big sister in the states in which she recovered me, two or three times“.

But also on that of his six children, born to four different fathers: Nubia, 34 years old, Igor, 28 years old, Esmeralda, 27 years old, Garance and Léa, 22 years old and Diego, 18 years old. A few days ago, she also revealed that she had become a grandmother for the first time, thanks to her eldest son, Igor.

Helena Noguerra, for her part, probably has no memory of this traumatic event but has decided to protect her privacy even more, she who also recently became a grandmother (it is said that her son, Tanel, would be the father of Shy’m’s son). “As you get older, you realize that all the things said will one day turn against you.“, she explained recently

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