“Since the start of the school year, 299 false bomb threats” have been recorded, announces Gabriel Attal




The Minister of National Education affirms that “several dozen” authors of these false alarms have been arrested.

For several days and the attacks in Arras and Brussels, bomb threats have been increasing in schools. According to Gabriel Attal, guest of France 2, Thursday October 19, “since the start of the school year, there have been 299 false bomb threats that have been sent to schools. It was 75 today alone. It started before the Arras attack, but we see that ‘there have been a large number in recent days’declared the Minister of National Education.

“Several dozens” of the authors of these false alerts “have already been arrested”he added. “Sometimes these are eleven-year-old, twelve-year-old, thirteen-year-old or fourteen-year-old students.”

But false bomb threats don’t just affect schools. Airports, train stations, cultural establishments… “There have been 18 arrests by the police over the last 48 hours, mainly minors”, declared Gérald Darmanin on BFMTV, Thursday evening. These arrested people are presented “at the moment to justice”adds the Minister of the Interior.

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