“Since the first law on the health pass, I must be around thirty death threats”, says a deputy LREM

Patricia Mirallès, elected from Hérault, claims to have lodged a complaint each time.

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“Since the first law on the health pass, I must be around thirty threats of death, beheading. It is not reassuring, especially since there are passages to the act”, relates on franceinfo, Thursday, December 30, Patricia Mirallès, LREM deputy for Hérault. The Ministry of the Interior has identified 1,255 attacks against elected officials between January 1 and October 24, 2021.

“I complained every time, explains Patricia Mirallès. Whether we are elected or not, we must not consider that we can be threatened with death. “ For her, these threats are essentially a reaction to decisions on health passes and vaccination.

“We are lucky to have this vaccine, and we are threatened because it would prevent us from living, from having full freedom. I do not agree.”

“What prevents me from sleeping at night is not the threats, it is this pandemic that we cannot stop.”

Patricia Mirallès, LREM MP for Hérault

to franceinfo

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on Thursday asked the prefects to have the area surrounding the offices of parliamentarians and their homes monitored. A proposal that Patricia Mirallès regrets but understands. “Everyone has the right to have a private life beyond their professional life.” She adds : “There are professions that not everyone is happy with. But we are not allowed to come and threaten these people in their homes.”

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