Since the beginning of the war, 386 Ukrainians welcomed in Côte-d’Or

Today they are far from the bombs falling on their country. 386 Ukrainians have found refuge to date in Côte-d’Or. This is the figure noted by the prefecture this Friday, March 25. Most of them, 280 Ukrainian men and women, are housed by individuals, friends or supportive people. 145 others are accommodated in structures financed by the State.

“People wanting accommodation are directed by the integrated reception and orientation service (SIAO) to the accommodation listed. For the moment, the places used are located at the Abrioux social residence made available by the city of Dijon, in an ADOMA social residence and at the Abbey of Cîteaux” explains the prefecture.

“In Côte-d’Or, mutual aid actions have been multiplying for several weeks. It is the honor of France to receive these persecuted people with dignity. It is up to the State to coordinate initiatives and ensure a good humanitarian care of refugees, in terms of health, education and professionalism, and by allowing decent housing and accommodation conditions“conclude the state services.

Displaced persons from Ukraine are entitled to:

• A temporary residence permit on French territory for a period of 6 months, bearing the mention “beneficiary of temporary protection”. This authorization is issued by the prefecture

• Payment by the State of the allowance for asylum seekers

• Authorization to exercise a professional activity

• Access to care through medical care

• The schooling of minor children

• Support in accessing housing.

In Dijon, Ukrainians and host families meet

The Ukraine Dijon Besançon association organized precisely this Friday, March 25 a meeting for host families and Ukrainian refugees to meet. 176 people have volunteered to welcome families, so far about twenty have arrived.

For Judith Ripplinger, member of the association, the objective is to create links: “we organized this meeting to create a meeting, so that people can discover each other”. The opportunity also for refugees to support each other as 16-year-old Natalia explains: “we have to talk about what we have been through because it is very hard”.

The idea is also to inform future host families. Sylvie came to get information on the administrative procedures “for the welcome and the human warmth I don’t worry”, she adds. The association will organize this type of meeting every month.

Natalia, her grandmother Valentina and her mother Liudmila have been in Côte-d’Or for two weeks © Radio France
Pauline Boudier

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