“since Macron’s election, there have been more than 850 feminicides,” says the president of the National Union of Families of Feminicides


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3 mins

Violence against women: “since Macron’s election, there have been more than 850 feminicides”, says the president of the National Union of Families of Feminicides

Violence against women: “since the election of Macron, there have been more than 850 feminicides”, says the president of the National Union of Families of Feminicides – (FranceInfo)

12/13 info receives Sandrine Bouchait, president of the National Union of Families of Feminicides. She returns to the demonstration organized on Saturday, November 4, to denounce the inaction of the state and the justice system against violence against women.

Asked about the rally against violence against women which will be held on Saturday November 4 in Paris, Sandrine Bouchait specifies “that it has been the great cause of the five-year term for several years, that unfortunately women continue to die, so it is important to remember that since the election of Emmanuel Macron, there have been more than 850 feminicides and more than 1 000 orphans”.

“Move towards a better assessment of the danger”

How can we do better to avoid widespread violence? “We must already take care of women who denounce. More than a quarter of women who were murdered by their partner or ex-partner had reported violence. We must move towards a better assessment of the danger. We must not dissociate violence against children from domestic violence”explains the president of the National Union of Families of Feminicides. “Beyond the punishment, they are not taken care of enough. We will need real and complete care for these violent men. Put them in prison for twenty years without psychological support (…) when they come out, they will be the same, or even worse”concludes Sandrine Bouchait.

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