Simple and natural advice to avoid the inconvenience of winter.

To boost your body

Runny nose, scratchy throat are inconveniences that are never very pleasant.
How can you limit these little evils of autumn and winter as much as possible?
First advice from Martine Blaize de Peretti: washing the nasal cavities ! With the seawater-based spray, even when all is well (prevention is better than cure) This gesture, which must become daily, cleans the sinuses and removes the environmental pollution of the day. To be done in the morning and in the evening.
It is also time to start preparing your immune defenses; for that think about ravintsara essential oil. To be applied on the energy points, ie wrists, arch of the foot. A few drops are enough for this essential oil, which is simultaneously stimulating, antibacterial and antiviral, which will allow you to face the winter.
Finally, internally, take grapefruit seed extract, which is also a remarkable antiviral antibacterial. At the rate of fifteen drops that you can put under the tongue before swallowing them. You can also give it to children, reduce the quantity and dilute it if necessary in a glass of water or fruit juice. Remember to choose grapefruit seed extract without alcohol.

To sanitize the interior of your home

Remember first of all to ventilate every day; and instead of using chemical sprays or candles (mostly full of harmful substances), you can use eucalyptus leaves that you boil in a pot of water over low heat. Pleasant vapors will spread throughout the house once the fire is extinguished under the pan.
And, unlike essential oils which are to be avoided in asthmatics, pregnant women and children, there is no contraindication.

To keep skin bright and healthy

Use the carrot (it makes you nice and it gives you rosy buttocks!) In the form of an oil, you can dilute it in your day cream, or put it alone on your face, especially if you have dry skin. And you can use this oily carrot macerate in the form of capsules very rich in beta carotene and vitamin A; it will give you a nice tanned complexion and will have an anti-aging effect.
Recommendation: two capsules in the morning to be swallowed every day (at least until the onset of winter). Then you can alternate between this carrot and cures of brewer’s yeast powder active. These are so rich in vitamin B that they will do a world of good for your skin, your hair and your intestines.
Because, what is essential, good intestinal functioning is reflected in the skin!
And to have good bacteria in the intestine, so that our intestines work well, we must think about regenerating this microbiota regularly.
Pollution, over-prepared, over-industrial foods, stress have a huge impact on our intestinal flora. It is therefore necessary to regenerate it with active brewer’s yeast powder.
How to use brewer’s yeast powder? Do a month of treatment, you take a teaspoon every day (in sheep yoghurt for example) and you can alternate with a fruit drink that you can prepare with kefir grains. This preparation will give you a carbonated fermented drink, very pleasant and which has the property of seeding the good bacteria in our intestines.

Thanks to Martine Blaise de Peretti, pharmacist-herbalist and author of “Healing with plants”, published by Eyrolles.

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