Simon, the son of Benjamin Castaldi evokes a STROKE…

This summer is full of twists and turns in the hectic life of Simon Castaldi. Present from Monday to Friday on W9 in “The rest of the world, romance in Ibiza”, the reality TV candidate had to explain himself seriously with his companion Adixia, following an alleged deception with another participant, Anne Conte. Race results: a serious crisis of spasmophilia! As he explained himself: “I think these are the hardest times that have happened to me on television since I started my career. I am not proud. My reaction… It was thermal shock. In the evening, you will see, I was not well. I had an attack of spasmophilia”. August 17, rebelote: “I was really very very badly. I was on a drip the same evening because I was running out of water, I wasn’t well and my body gave out, clearly. I had cramps from head to toe,” he explained to his followers. And since worries never come alone, this Sunday, August 21, Simon announces, still via Instagram, that he has just had a terrible experience: “This morning, I had something crazy, too weird. Basically, I wake up around 6am. I had a stomach ache (too much Algerian sauce I think). In short, I get up, coffee, relaxation. (…) I decide to go back to sleep a little around 8am. I go back to sleep too well in amazing mode. And there, I wake up again and I was totally paralyzed”. In his enthusiasm and his concern, the young man immediately thinks of a stroke: “Impossible to move and yet in my head everything was clear. So after 30 seconds that feel like 5 hours, I wake up in a panic. I thought I was having a stroke. In short, all that to say that I’m afraid to do it again so I can’t sleep.” But don’t worry because the end of the message reassures its readers: is common and benign, it’s called sleep paralysis but I hope not to have it anymore because I think it’s the worst feeling I’ve had in my life”. to a deep source of stress… More fear than harm, finally, let’s wish him a quick recovery.

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