Simon Castaldi soon to be a dad? A reality TV candidate starts the rumors!

Simon Castaldi has never been so much in the spotlight. Tackled with “racist misogynist” on the Web after his remarks against Maeva Ghennam, Benjamin Castaldi’s son finally made his mea culpa by admitting to being followed by a professional to overcome injuries related to his past. “I’m only 22 years old but a lot of people tend to forget that. Despite that, age is not an excuse for everything I know. My tantrums and such are a problem that I have now decided to treat by getting professional help to repair the inner flaws of my childhood”he wrote in the caption of a photo with his beautiful Adixia published on his Instagram account on August 30.

And as if that weren’t enough, here we goa reality TV contestant just started wild paternity rumors. This is Aurélie Dotremont who spoke about the Simon-Adixia couple in her stories lately. “What a beautiful message! Adixia, Simon, I didn’t see your couple born, but I see it evolving… and what an evolution! I love you together as much as you love each other! I wish you the best, a baby and a marriage for the future! Hold on, despite the judgments and criticisms… Love always triumphs, and the proof is there!”, she said. And with such forecasts for the future, the rumors are launched! At least, they are rather positive for the couple.

It must be said that with the ex of Paga, it has not always been all beautiful, all rosy, the fault of the young man. Unfaithful with Virginie during the filming of “Rest of the world”, the first images of which were unveiled at the beginning of last month, one would have thought that his relationship with Adixia was coming to an end. In shock upon hearing the news, Adixia landed on the show beside herself. “You see that, take a good look. Take a good look at that, you won’t have it anymore. I’m going to ruin your life for you”she had thrown at him in anger.

Laura Bertrand

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