Simon, Benjamin Castaldi’s son, makes a disturbing statement on Instagram!

Are we nearing the end of a great story? It wouldn’t be the first time that rumors have suggested this. Indeed, since Adixia and Simon are in a relationship, the lovebirds are often the subject of gossip about their relationship … suggesting that it would be floundering and that they would be close to breaking up. The fact that they appear much less often on social networks gives even more credence to these rumors and does not help the situation…

However, everything would be fine between the two. This is in any case what assured the main concerned until recently. But what is it really? Fans of Paga’s ex and Benjamin Castaldi’s son already know that the young woman was recently the subject of another rumor. This one accusing him of having defrauded the owner of a villa in which she was, in the south of France, while she was not paying rent according to the Instagram account tvrsource. The Belgian, claiming to her landlord that she would not need to pay the rent for the villa, thanks to the advertising she was doing for it on her social networks. Following this, the owner would have attacked the Belgian who would have been seized with more than 80,000 euros.

Water in the gas?

A first problem to solve which has undoubtedly caused some problems in his relationship with Simon. But according to the young man, there would be other stories explaining the fact that the two appear less and less often on social networks. “It’s true that we’re not very present at the moment, I’m not very active […] We have a lot of personal problems of really private things”he confided bluntly to his subscribers before adding: “We cannot explain at the moment […] It hasn’t been super easy these past few days but that’s okay, life goes on. We settle things quietly. […] It encroaches on our life as a couple because we have less time for us”.

It remains to be seen if everything will work out for the lovers and if they will be able to return to Instagram and others in a more active way.

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