Silvio Berlusconi promises a bus of whores to motivate his players

The sulphurous Silvio Berlusconi, president of the Monza football club, assured that he had motivated his players by promising to bring “into the locker room” a “bus of whores”, according to a video widely broadcast on Wednesday by the Italian media.

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The 86-year-old former prime minister and current chairman of the Forza Italia party made the remarks, described as “unfortunate” by many media, during the club’s Christmas dinner on Tuesday evening, according to the Italian agency Ansa. .

Microphone in hand, Silvio Berlusconi is particularly pleased to have chosen in September a new coach “good, sympathetic, kind and capable of motivating our players”.

“I added extra motivation to it, because I told the players: Juventus, AC Milan, etc. are coming now and if you win against one of these big teams, I’ll take you to the dressing room. a bus of whores”, he launches there, under the laughter of the assembly.

La Gazzetta dello Sport regretted an “unfortunate exit”.

La Repubblica noticed that this excerpt was not broadcast on Berlusconi’s Twitter account where he posted videos of this evening with players, club officials and sponsors.

Contacted by AFP, Monza confirmed that a delegation of players took part in this dinner, but made no comment on the controversial remarks of the boss.

The former Prime Minister remains associated in Italy, but also abroad with “Rubygate”, a matter of libertine parties organized by Silvio Berlusconi with young girls who are sometimes minors. He was acquitted of underage prostitution, but remains on trial for witness tampering in that case.

Monza, bought in 2018 by the former president of AC Milan, is playing the very first season in its history in Serie A (1st division). The Lombard club are currently fourteenth, after a difficult start and a coaching change in September.

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