silver medal for biathlete Anaïs Chevalier-Bouchet in individual

It is often said that money does not buy happiness, but Anaïs Chevalier-Bouchet could well say the opposite! After her team silver medal on the mixed relay on Saturday, the biathlete from Isère won the same metal on the individual, after an almost perfect race. Her only mistake was to miss the target once, on the last shot, which probably cost her the gold, but the Dauphinoise, who returned to the circuit a year and a half ago after the birth of her child, did not sulk his pleasure on arrival at the microphone of France Télévisions.

Admittedly, I have a ball that escapes me, I blame myself a little bit because we are always one ball close, but I was very concentrated today. I wanted to do biathlon, which I love. I struggled to take advantage of the mixed relay medal because I was disappointed with my performance. I was missing something. There, today, I really did the biathlon that I love. I took my shots, I was focused from start to finish and it’s great!

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