Silly Boy Blue releases their second “Eternal Lover”

The young French singer, who has just released her second album, will be performing this Sunday evening at the Art Rock festival in Saint-Brieuc, in the Côtes-d’Armor.

She chose as a stage name a song by David Bowie, Silly Boy Blue. From her idol, the singer has kept a taste for reinvention, drama, pop goldsmithery, with songs with multiple romantic readings. His second album Eternal Lover was released on May 12, after a convincing first attempt, which took it post-Covid to the stages of major festivals.

Silly Boy Blue was able to measure it when considering new compositions. “I left to write it in London at the beginning. I told myself that I was going to stay, all alone, in an apartment for three weeks”, she says before adding: “It was the worst idea of ​​my life because after ten days of not talking to anyone, I was like, ‘Wow! My brain is freaking me out.’

From his brain, therefore, were born new affirmations, after the “breaking songs” of the first disc. Romanticism always exacerbated, his voice enclosing the feeling of love permanently. If the artist Silly Boy Blue hides behind Eternal Lover, the title chosen for this disc, the young woman used her pen to evolve herself.

“The idea was a bit to regain power over a lot of things that I suffered in the first album.”

Silly Boy Blue


This first album “was very sad, very melancholy, very the girl who gets left and all that”. Now Silly Boy Blue wants to approach these ruptures differently. “I told myself that I was going to stop suffering from romantic relationships and then talk about it quite crudely and quite clearly. I feel like I have become a great person with this album or at least myself”she says.

It clicked. “My friends used to ask me: ‘When do you make songs that aren’t sad?'” The singer therefore decided “to regain power over it”: “It really frees me up in writing too…”, she notes. And in a jubilant gesture, she joined forces with the “ex relou” Instagram account to promote the single Not A Friendrevealing the exchanges of SMS with a former fickle lover and apparently very inclined to dissimulation. “We erased little things to avoid a defamation complaint and because we were too lazy to pay a lawyer, but yes, it’s absolutely true…”

Result: Silly Boy Blue is finally at ease everywhere. As a false grieving widow, as a maker of second-degree pop, and even on the stage of the Avignon festival, where she will play the mythical album again this summer. Transform by Lou Reed, as at the Printemps de Bourges last month. She will give a concert on Sunday May 27 at the Art Rock festival in Saint-Brieuc. The singer will then leave Brittany for Normandy for the 21st edition of the Papillons de Nuit festival tomorrow, in Saint-Laurent-de-Cuves.

source site-9